Ivars Ijabs is a Member of the European Parliament, elected in 2019 from the electoral alliance “Attīstībai/Par!” and in 2024 for the second term from party “Latvijas attīstībai”. Before entering politics, he was a widely known political scientist, publicist, associated professor at the University of Latvia and a researcher at the Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia
He started his studies at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music in the French horn class of Arvīds Klišāns. Afterwards he studied philosophy in Latvia and Germany where he obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Already during his philosophy studies, he developed an interest in politics, which he later chose as the field of research for his PhD thesis. He has participated in multiple research projects as well as in scientific conferences in Latvia and elsewhere.
He has worked not only a as lecturer at the University of Latvia, where he received the student-created “Lecturer of the Year” award, but also at the National Defence Academy of Latvia and the Latvian School of Public Administration.
As a political scientist, he has been active in Latvian media, has regularly published articles and given insightful commentary on the political processes and social-political events. He has been a moderator in multiple political discussions and has been a host of a policy-oriented radio show. He is also known as an editor, translator and author of multiple political theory books.
In the European Parliament, Ivars Ijabs is active in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), and in the board of the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA), representing the “Renew Europe” group. He is also one of the “Renew Europe” vice-presidents. His priorities are with legislative proposals that would bring more EU funding for science, research, and innovation in Latvia. Additionally, Ijabs gives particular consideration to issues around overcoming the climate crisis.
In October 2019, he joined the political party “Latvijas Attīstībai”.
Curriculum Vitae
- PhD in Political Science (University of Latvia)
- Associate professor (University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Researcher (University of Latvia, the Advanced Social and Political Research Institute)
- BA in Arts (Class of French horn, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music)
Ivars at work
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
ECONCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
IMCOCommittee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection
BECASpecial Committee on Beating Cancer
STOAEuropean Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment
D-USDelegation for relations with the United States of America
DANDDelegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community
DASEDelegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and ASEAN
DLATDelegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly